Monday, August 22, 2011

Wendler's 5/3/1 Strength Programming

Tuesday I am beginning to incorporate Jim Wendler's 5/3/1 Strength Program into my normal Crossfit regimen. Probably the #1 factor limiting my performance right now is my strength, and I'm looking forward to see how the added strength will affect my WOD performance.

Here's the low down:

5/3/1 is based around 4 core lifts, the back squat, bench press, deadlift, and strict press. I like this, as it does a pretty good job hitting all of the primary movers we use on a daily basis. Also, the Crossfit total is a squat, deadlift, and strict press. It's almost like sticking to Crossfit programming but with the extra benefit of a bench press, which I feel mainsite programming doesn't hit well enough. To strictly follow 5/3/1, you are supposed to do supplementary exercises as well (dips, pushups, air squats, pullups, etc.) but I'll let the Crossfit metcon's handle that.

Now that we have covered our 4 core lifts, the next step is the 4 mesocycles. At 4 days a week, the mesocycle will last a week, and each step is therefore a month. (Easiest to explain). For me, Back Squat = Tuesday, Bench Press = Thursday, Deadlift = Friday, Strict press = Sunday. If you only want to do 3 days a week, just keep carrying it on, treating each four lifts as a mesocycle. So your start dates would be different each week. Follow? great.

Here's how the mesocycles work:

Mesocycle 1 2 3 4
Set 165% x 5 70% x 375% x 5 40% x 5
Set 275% x 5 80% x 385% x 3 50% x 5
Set 385% x 5+ 90% x 3+95% x 1+ 60% x 5

The %'s are based off of your 1RM. So, for example, my first week for deadlift (1RM = 375#), my 3 sets would be 245x5, 285x5, 320x5+. For the set with the + sign, perform as many reps as possible. It's the last set, make it count (this is what makes us stronger). In week 2, we do sets of 3. In week 3, it's 5/3/1 (there's the name!). Week 4 is a deloading/recovery week.

Here comes the fun part -- after each month, we increase our 1RM for the calculations! Add 10 pounds to the 1RM for deadlift and squat and 5 pounds for bench press and strict press. While that might not seem like that much -- theoretically after 1 year you'll be adding 60 pounds to the 2 presses and 120 pounds to the squat and deadlift!

Another important point as to how this will make us stronger, and what I feel is the MOST important, is how our THRESHOLD will change. What I mean by this is that we will be able to perform more reps at a higher percentage of our 1RM. Even if, for example, my deadlift doesn't increase past 375# max at first, but I can perform more reps at 315, I AM STRONGER THAN I WAS. That is an EXTREMELY important point I am trying to make here, and what drew me to Wendler's in the first palce. Especially in Crossfit, we need to be able to efficiently move a bar that might be close to our max. If you can do a 400+ squat but can't blow through Fran's thrusters quickly, you're missing a huge part of being fit.

I think I've answered almost any questions regarding the program right now. Feel free to post any questions/comments/concerns/what you think I should address more. But I think I'm the only person that reads this anyway (I mean, it IS my logbook), so, feel free to not post either!

After thoughts:

You don't have to do ALL 4 exercises, although to increase total strength I'd recommend it. It seems like the transfer between these lifts and other areas of strength and power will be considerable. Anyway, Chris Spealler did 5/3/1 specifically for the squat, once a week, and felt it helped him considerably. And Chris Spealler is fucking awesome, and crazy strong for his bodyweight, and fucking awesome, so I respect that.

Also, you can change it up. If you are sick of backsquatting for some reason, do a front squat or an overhead squat. Do a military press (i just threw up a little bit) instead of a strict press. Whatever you want, OK?!



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