Wednesday, August 17, 2011

8/17/11 - WOD 2

WOD 2 of the day.

Firstly, worked up to a 1RM for the Snatch - 145#, which was a PR! Failed at 155.

Then, the WOD:

With a continuously running clock, perform:
1 Snatch (135#)
per minute for 15 minutes.
After this I wasn't taxed enough so I continued at 145# for another 10 minutes. Then failed at 155# again.

Comments: As the WOD went on, it got easier. Next time I need to warm up a lot more - I felt my form improving as it went on. I was real pissed about the second failure at 155#, I was a little afraid to get under the bar. Also, my hands were ROCKED from WOD 1 (run/burpee/run/pullups)

Going to hit a heavy leg workout (hopefully) with Stef tomorrow morning before going to Atlantic City to make up for missing 5K yesterday (still trying to avoid longer running, need to add more strength. I'll get it next time.)

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